“Sometimes you have to heal old soul-wounds to be able to move forward and become the one you were meant to be.”
Your HEART is calling - Are you listening?
Let Your Light Shine
and Use Your Power Within so you can Be Your Best YOU!

Meet your Executive Healing Coach
Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn
"Helena Margareta"
Born with a gift to Help and Heal.
Learn to use your Body — Mind — Soul Connection and become a magnet for the Good and Positive
Rev. Dr. Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn has successfully and with amazing results taught her method all over the world how to feel well, happy and in balance.
She not only teaches the technique, she also uses her method daily in her work. Tens of thousands of individuals have enjoyed her one-on-one soul-power consultations and many more have attended her healing workshops and inspirational lectures internationally. She has been ranked one of the top spiritual healing coaches in the world by National Examiner. Although naturally very spiritual and gifted with an extraordinary intuitive perception of what we call the Secrets of Life, she is down to earth and has a good sense of humor.
Helena’s extensive life experience has given her a wealth of knowledge seldom seen in in the motivational-inspirational arena, an ability that her clients find extremely helpful when they want to advance in their lives — may it be on a physical, personal or professional level.
Swedish- born Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn has been ranked one of the world’s top Psychic Healers in the field of Spiritual Healing and Coaching.
She particularly understands women and how they best can function successfully in a world so full of stress and imbalance, helping them find new ways and solutions for a more satisfying, balanced and profitable life..
Learn being in charge of your life, using your very own soul-power to transform your life and strengthen your connection between your mind, body and soul for ultimate results. There is so much knowledge about life and how life functions, and most of us wish for that knowledge.
The basic purpose of our private sessions is for you to use the knowledge is to improve who you already are.
“Helena Margareta was born with some very valuable gifts, which she resisted for a significant portion of her life. When she finally gave in to her amazing natural instinct, her evolving self-acceptance not only changed her life in miraculous ways but she also inspires others to find their own healing and wholeness.”
—Christine De Lorey, author Life Cycles, Your Emotional Journey to Freedom and Happiness
Gun Nowak, Founder and CEO of the trendsetting FACE STOCKHOLM Cosmetic Skin Care Company with cosmetic stores all over the world, commented: “After an inspirational lecture for our sales employees, I also recommended that each employee would meet individually with Helena for personal coaching sessions. This had a very positive effect on their wellbeing and on their approach to both their personal life and their business performance.”
Helena takes you on an extensive journey of self-discovery through your subconscious mind and helps you find the purpose with your life, connecting you with a higher level of awareness already existing within you. She has a tendency to bring in joy and laughter into her programs since she has found that joy, good attitudes and positive thoughts have a way to helping you reach deeper into the wisdom of your soul–the place where your new positive life begins.