Satisfied clients are our best advertising. 95% or more of our clients come to us because of recommendation from family, friends and colleagues, and we prefer it that way to avoid misunderstandings. All testimonials, through cards, letters or emails are usually unsolicited and are archived in our files at the office, but are far too many to copy here. We have taken the liberty to translate into English or edit/shorten when necessary. For the sake of our clients’ privacy we do not include their full names unless they have been contacted beforehand.

“I had so much stress at work, and couldn’t see an end to my problems. I felt I was about to break down and wanted to go away and never come back, but knew I couldn’t and I actually liked my position. I just had a problem handling everything on my plate. Then I heard about you and after a few coaching sessions with you, all my old burdens had lifted and I had my old enthusiasm back.”

“Dear Helena. I send you this little angel because you have truly been my angel. I wrote in my journal today that I can thank you for being alive today.”

“I must share with you the joy I am experiencing since I began to use your method of Pulling in the Light. The best part is that it is immediate. It is a wonderful, warm, loving and healing experience to experience the loving presence of God as— Light. Thank you, Thank you, Thank YOU.“

“I stopped my HIV medication last year and I am holding very well with no medication. I have now gone back to work and have started jogging. This is near a miracle and all thanks to you. Thank you for saving me, dear Helena.“

“I would like to thank you for our session last week. It was very powerful for me and set me on my life path again with some new goals. I went back to writing and I now feel I can channel information in a way I could not do before. I didn’t know life could be this fun. Thank you.”

“Helena is fantastic. I believe she did something extraordinary that makes me feel very balanced and at peace… plus something more that I cannot describe, like my family and I now get along much better. I have come to a new understanding about my life and about purpose and consequences. I feel good about myself and I didn’t before.”

“How did you know what was wrong with me, I never told you anything and you could still help me. For the first time in a long time, I felt inspired and that my head was straight and I could think clearly again. It was a wonderful feeling and I am back to my normal self again. You inspired me to strength and good ideas. As a professional musician for a major Symphony Orchestra I have to be focused and clear in my head.“

“Thank you for your wonderful help, Helena. You have a unique and amazing gift. You are doing a great service for this world and I am very grateful that our paths have crossed.“

“ …You have helped me, my children, my husband and my in-laws, during the past 11 years. I can’t imagine what would have happened if you hadn’t helped us with your wisdom, healing and spiritual wisdom during all these years. You have become our regular family life coach. I feel so fortunate that I found you. You are unbelievable. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

“I enjoyed every minute of your healing lecture and your meditation was a gateway to heaven. Great things have happened in my life afterwards, and I feel I have to thank you for that.”

“I had a feeling that as soon as you entered the room, your presence immediately made me feel harmonious, positive and so calm. The method you teach in your workshops, really works and it is so simple.”

“I wanted to take the time to thank you for the difference that you have made in my life. The work you are doing has the potential to shift mankind. I have my positive outlook back and my reconnection to my old self. I feel wonderful every day the minute I wake up.”

“The only way I could have done this was through you. I stayed focused and strong all through this tedious and complicated trial. You inspired me to strength and resourcefulness. Thank you for being my mentor, teacher and supporter.”

“I still feel super-great after our session last week. I am upshifted, strong and clear!!Thank you is not enough to describe how grateful I am. Gracias de mi Corazon. Blessings to you.”

“You explained so much and your words gave me a guideline how to help myself get through my difficult time and get well again.”

“A most insightful and inspiring session. Your inspiration and insights are powerful and I was in awe. I am both happier and more in balance. I now react differently to my problems and I seem to have more friends I my life. You guided me to emerge and be the person you saw that I could be. You have given me hope.Thank you, thank you, thank you. “

“Your technique is so simple, I just followed your directions and everything began to fall into place. From now on I have no more doubt. I just know that everything is going to be all right in my life. Thank you so much for opening my eyes to my true self and to finding my own soul-power.”

“I came to Helena for a session trying to get over my sad loss of my only son. I was so depressed and had lost both my will and strength to live. She helped me to pick up the pieces and put me back together again. Once she had opened me up to the living Light within me, something clicked and I felt my life was worth living again. I’m now looking forward to living my life and I have more energy than almost ever.”

“We were glad to welcome such a great speaker and dedicated healer, bringing activation to the souls in New York and especially here at the United Nations”

“I was suffering from high blood pressure and we couldn’t bring it down. After a one-on-one session with Helena, my blood pressure went down from dangerously high to normal in 3 days. It has remained normal ever since.”

“I really believe your meditations are God-given and go through the dimensions. I feel they transform lives into being good lives. I was very satisfied with the results.“

“Your influence has been so positive on my whole life and outlook, the way I think, talk and did things. Everything that seemed to have been wrong before seems to be corrected after our telephone sessions. Tell me when you come to town so I can attend your next lecture.”

“ I won my match and it was only because of your helping energy in our phone call before the match. I walked out feeling the Light bringing me forward, giving me strength. I think I have never been this good before.”

“You have saved my life and sanity. I didn’t know how to cope with all the pressure with my new business, employees and family wanting my time and attention. I felt there was no time for me to breathe. Our sessions over the telephone have been life-saving. You were always there for me on the phone wherever I was: at the office, traveling or at home in my kitchen …. always helping with good energy and advice.. You have been the answer to my prayers. I am more organized now and have no anxiety attacks. My time goes further. This is amazing and you are amazing. Thank you for being part of my life.”

“Thank you for everything. I can sing again. You gave me my singing voice back. I have never sung so beautifully before. I am eternally grateful to you for the help you have given me.”

“Thank you for the help you gave me to find my true self. It was a great experience to meet you. I was very helped through the energy that you transmitted to me during our session. Whatever it was, it really helped me. I would like to meet you again when you come to Norway.“

“I first met Helena a couple of years ago when she was doing a seminar in Bygdelandsfjord in Norway. I’ll never forget this meeting. Her personality was so clear, bright-loving and warm that I felt I was in another dimension. It felt like she filled me with light and lifted me up to a level of love and peace. After the seminar this feeling stayed with me. One year later she was doing a new seminar and I joined again. I was filled with the same feeling but this time even deeper. I can only say this was the best seminar I have ever attended.”

United Nations, New York, Vienna, Geneva
“Helena Margareta is a beacon of radiant hope and light in a world where hope and light are deeply needed. It is wonderful to have Helena for a personal friend. It is also wonderful to know that my friend is stunningly gifted by God to be a healing light worker and is able to help others into their own healing gifts. She is unselfish about helping people find their own centers of light energy and person-hood. For me the greatest grace of meditating with Dr. Helena’s guided meditation has been to receive the gift of being able to forgive and heal old soul wounds. With Eternal Thanks for her beautiful work made available to all of us.”

“Words cannot fully describe what she does and my feelings of gratitude: I first met Helena almost 20 years ago, seeking help mostly for my then 3-year old son. I left the meeting in awe of the experience and with a new sense of direction. I still consider this first session with her as one of the most remarkable and empowering experiences of my life. – We have since had many sessions with her throughout the years whenever we needed healing or guidance, making us feel healthy, happy and fulfilled.
Helena is a powerful and amazing healer, teacher, and guide. She works with the highest of love: Desire to help someone be the best that they can be. I highly recommend!”

“From the moment I met Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn I was fascinated by her personality and abilities. She was such a spiritually centered woman, who vibrated at a level we are not used to in people. I was extremely impressed and convinced with everything she said and did. She radiates what she teaches, and without realizing it, she pulls you into a fascinating journey of self-discovery. She brought me to a feeling of inner calm. I couldn’t believe how every trace of old stress had disappeared from my system and how peaceful I felt afterwards.”
Helena Margareta was born with a spiritual gift others only speak about in theory, but cannot use or teach personally. Although this power has run in her family for centuries, she was unaware of the fact that also she had been given a gift and didn’t use her gift until later in her life. She is here to help the world. You help one, and one after the other… it moves over to many.
All testimonials are unsolicited and from original emails already on file with us at Activale Institute. We have taken the liberty to translate some into English where necessary.